Data Tools for Native Farmers
While the NLIS hosts a variety of resources related to agriculture on Native lands, this page highlights those that are specifically relevant to Native farmers. Native farmers are major contributors to their reservation economies, food systems, and land stewardship. The Native Lands Advocacy Project is committed to producing data tools and educational resources to support farmers’ informed decision-making regarding land stewardship, access to capital, and involvement in the broader agricultural economy.
The sections below highlight our Dashboards, Maps, Storymaps, and Blog Posts. This is a live page that will continue to be updated as we create new resources. Have any feedback about how we can make this page more useful? Contact us here!
Would you like assistance learning about these data tools and how to use them?
Data Dashboards for Native Farmers
Maps for Native Farmers
Storymaps for Native Farmers
Blog Posts for Native Farmers

Non-Natives Control 81% of Harvested Cropland and Capture 74% of Agricultural Revenue on South Dakota Reservations
Data from the USDA Census of Agriculture for American Indian reservations demonstrates that Native Americans are not the primary beneficiaries of their lands and resources in South Dakota.

Explore the Data from the 2012 & 2017 USDA Census of Agriculture for American Indian Reservations
The Census of Agriculture is the most complete source of data on agricultural producers and farms on American Indian Reservations.

The Cropland Data Layer Dashboard Gives Unprecedented View of What’s Growing on U.S. Native Lands
The NLIS Cropland Data Layer dashboard presents data for what’s growing on 552 unique Native land areas in the coterminous United States.