Data Tools for Native Farmers
While the NLIS hosts a variety of resources related to agriculture on Native lands, this page highlights those that are specifically relevant to Native farmers. Native farmers are major contributors to their reservation economies, food systems, and land stewardship. The Native Lands Advocacy Project is committed to producing data tools and educational resources to support farmers’ informed decision-making regarding land stewardship, access to capital, and involvement in the broader agricultural economy.
The sections below highlight our Dashboards, Maps, Storymaps, and Blog Posts. This is a live page that will continue to be updated as we create new resources. Have any feedback about how we can make this page more useful? Contact us here!
Would you like assistance learning about these data tools and how to use them?
Data Dashboards for Native Farmers
Maps for Native Farmers
Storymaps for Native Farmers
Blog Posts for Native Farmers

Completing the Narrative: Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe’s Policy Change Promotes Expansion of Native Agriculture Producers
By Raven McMullin Since the inception of the Native Lands Advocacy Project (NLAP), we have been committed to compiling publicly available datasets for the purpose

Use of Chemicals for Croplands on Native Lands by Non-Natives Considerably More Than Use by Natives
By Evelyn Red Lodge Sicangu Lakota (Rosebud Sioux Tribe Member) Given history, it is not surprising that non-Natives collect 87% of the agricultural revenue from federally recognized

How Much Discriminatory Lending Practices Impact Agricultural Revenue on US Native Land
By Aude K. Chesnais Introduction: Lending and Debt on US Native Land In 2018, the Keepseagle settlement shed light on widespread lending discrimination across the

Non-Natives Control Majority of Harvested Cropland on Native American Reservations
According to the most recent 2017 data from the USDA Census of Agriculture for American Indian Reservations 86.33% of harvested cropland on American Indian Reservations

The General Allotment Act of 1887 Crippled Native Agriculture for Generations
Today, the US Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) holds 66 million acres of lands in trust for various Indian tribes and individuals. Approximately 46 million acres

Women’s Representation in Agriculture Greater Among Native Americans
Increasing the proportion of women in agriculture has been a longstanding goal of agencies like USDA, FSA and programs like 4H but these programs may