
Discover essential data related to the theme of Water. This section focuses on topics such as water stress and availability, precipitation changes at elevation, localized water temperature readings, surface water and groundwater, local water quality, and changes in flood plains, providing valuable insights for effective water resource management and climate adaptation.

The “Water” section within the Environmental category provides comprehensive data, maps, and dashboards related to various water conditions and trends. This section is designed to support tribal climate adaptation and mitigation planning by offering accessible and relevant information on water stress and availability, precipitation changes at elevation, localized water temperature readings, surface water and groundwater, local water quality (including acidification and hypoxia), and changes in flood plains. By providing this foundational water-related information, the “Water” section aims to help develop informed, effective, and culturally relevant climate strategies for tribal communities. Explore the available resources to gain insights and drive meaningful water resource management and climate adaptation actions.

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March 19, 12-12:45 pm EST