Agricultural Water Stress on US Native Lands

About this Dashboard This data dashboard summarizes data from the World Resources Institute, and the National Land Cover Database for Native Lands in the United States. It highlights the distribution and impact of water stress on agricultural lands within Native boundaries. The dashboard features detailed maps and interactive elements, allowing users to explore different water […]

Ground Water on US Native Lands

About this Dashboard This data dashboard summarizes data from the National Ground-Water Monitoring Network, and the national datasets of principle aquifers and aquifers of alluvial and glacial origin for Native Lands in the United States. This data shows underlying water resources and data monitoring the condition of wells on Native Lands. 0 Aquifer Types 0 […]

Surface Waters on Native Lands Dashboard

About this Dashboard This data includes the USGS’s National Hydrography Plus Dataset V2 (NHDPlus), released in 2012, and the 2021 TIGER Boundaries for U.S. American Tribal lands as of January 1st, 2021, as reported by the federally recognized tribal governments through the Census Bureau’s Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS). Overlapping features and associated data from […]