Bureau of Indian Affairs Budget by Categories

About this Dashboard This data dashboard summarizes data from the United States Secretary of Interior; it features the Bureau of Indian Affairs Yearly Highlights Reports, which show BIA spending by categories, programs and subprograms for years 2022, 2023 and estimates for 2024. We digitized this static report in an effort to visualize the data interactively […]
Creating a Historic Loss Assessment, Part 1: Native history and land dispossession

By calculating land dispossession, this report seeks to not only identify what has been taken from Native peoples but also how this theft became the original source of capital that built Colorado and the West.
Introducing the Historic Loss Assessment: Articulating lost lives, land, and resources for the Native Nations in your state

While much of settler colonialism’s harm to Native Nations is unquantifiable, assessments like this provide data that helps tell those Nation’s stories.
The Treaty Signers Database: A Visual Representation of Westward Expansion in the United States

The Treaty Signers Project seeks to reshape the mythos surrounding the expansion of the United States into the North American west, as well as to challenge our understanding of who the key players were in creating that mythos.
Sustainable Food Systems for US Native Lands: A Story Untold

The myth of an “empty land” where Natives lived idly without making good use of their natural resources is persistent and served as the primary base to justify taking lands away from tribes. Contrary to stereotypes, Native Agriculture was diverse and flourishing prior to settler colonialism.
Morrill Act of 1862 Parcel Locator Dashboard

About this Dashboard This data dashboard, developed by the Native Lands Advocacy Project, maps and summarizes parcel data for lands ceded from Native American Tribes and granted to Universities under the 1862 Morrill Act. This data was compiled and made available by High Country News for their March 2020 Feature “Land-grab Universities.” The original source […]
NLIS Launches New Interactive Data Visualization of US Hazardous Liquids Spills, Pipelines, and Reservation Lands

Today, the Native Land Information System launched a new interactive data visualization of US Hazardous Liquids Spills from 2010 to 2020. The viz draws on data from the US Department Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration and displays 3,398 separate spills over a 10 year period or an average of 29 spills each month! The tool […]
Lost Agriculture Revenue from Ceded Native Lands

About this Dashboard This data dashboard, developed by the Native Lands Advocacy Project, estimates 177 years of lost agriculture revenue from lands ceded from Native Americans from 1840 to 1897. The dashboard makes it possible to view the total lost agriculture revenue from one or more cessions (by clicking on cession polygon in map or […]
Introducing the Native Land Information System

The Native Land Information System serves as a repository of learning resources, information, and data to help defend and protect Native lands for the benefit of Native peoples.