ESRI Landsat Explorer

Esri Landsat Explorer app provides the power of Landsat satellites, which gather data beyond what the eye can see. Use this app to draw on Landsat’s different bands to better explore the planet’s geology, vegetation, agriculture, and cities. Additionally, access Landsat imagery from the last forty years to visualize how the Earth’s surface has changed over time.

Completing the Narrative: Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe’s Policy Change Promotes Expansion of Native Agriculture Producers

By Raven McMullin Since the inception of the Native Lands Advocacy Project (NLAP), we have been committed to compiling publicly available datasets for the purpose of gaining a fuller understanding of Native American agriculture nationwide—and, more importantly, to compile a comprehensive data source for Native communities to utilize in the protection of their homelands.  In […]

USDA Census of Agriculture for American Indian Reservations

About this Dashboard This dashboard was developed by the Native Lands Advocacy Project to make data from the 2007, 2012, 2017, and 2022 USDA Census of Agriculture for American Indian Reservations more accessible for tribal stakeholders. Unlike the published data, this dashboard allows users to view data for a single reservation or multiple reservations in aggregate, […]

How Much Discriminatory Lending Practices Impact Agricultural Revenue on US Native Land

By Aude K. Chesnais Introduction: Lending and Debt on US Native Land In 2018, the Keepseagle settlement shed light on widespread lending discrimination across the native agricultural landscape. Native Americans sued the US Department of Agriculture in an attempt to settle historical lending discrimination, which resulted in a 720 million dollar settlement, split between individual […]

Sustainable Food Systems for US Native Lands: A Story Untold

The myth of an “empty land” where Natives lived idly without making good use of their natural resources is persistent and served as the primary base to justify taking lands away from tribes. Contrary to stereotypes, Native Agriculture was diverse and flourishing prior to settler colonialism.

The General Allotment Act of 1887 Crippled Native Agriculture for Generations

Today, the US Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) holds 66 million acres of lands in trust for various Indian tribes and individuals. Approximately 46 million acres (69%) of this land is used for farming and grazing by livestock and game animals. However, Native Americans are not the primary beneficiaries of agriculture on their lands. According to the […]

Women’s Representation in Agriculture Greater Among Native Americans

Increasing the proportion of women in agriculture has been a longstanding goal of agencies like USDA, FSA and programs like 4H but these programs may be able to learn a thing or two from Indian Country which has nearly equal participation among men and women. This is according to data collected in the 2017 USDA […]

What’s Growing on US Native Lands

About this Dashboard This data dashboard summarizes data from the USDA Cropland Data Layer for 552 unique native land areas in the coterminous United States for the years 2008, 2012, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022 and can be filtered for one or more native land area. Cropland Cover Types 0 Native Land Areas […]

Land Covers on Native Lands in the Coterminous United States

About this Dashboard This data dashboard summarizes the total area for 16 land covers for 848 native land areas (reservations and off reservation trust lands) in the conterminous United States for 2001, 2004, 2006, 2011, 2013, 2016, and 2019. 0 Unique Land Covers 0 Native Land Areas 0 Years of Coverage 0 Data Visualizations 0 […]


Land Cover on Native Lands

Learn how to access land cover data for your reservation using NLAP’s NLCD map and dashboard. Observe historical trends in land cover and use current data for land, climate, and agricultural planning.

April 16, 12-12:45 pm EST