Soil Salinity in U.S. Native Lands

This map displays data layers based on the EPA’s Climate Change Indicators in the United States report, specifically focusing on Change in Rain & Snow Patterns on U.S. Native lands. On this map, view layers related to change in snowfall, precipitation, snow-to-precipitation ratio, and April snowpack in western US.

Crop Diversity on US Native Lands

About this Dashboard The Crop Diversity Dashboard is an estimate of the relative diversity of crops grown on tribal lands. We use the Simpson’s Index of Diversity to estimate crop diversity from both the variety of crops grown and their respective acres within each reservation, with 0 meaning no crop diversity and 1 meaning infinite […]

Agricultural Water Stress on US Native Lands

About this Dashboard This data dashboard summarizes data from the World Resources Institute, and the National Land Cover Database for Native Lands in the United States. It highlights the distribution and impact of water stress on agricultural lands within Native boundaries. The dashboard features detailed maps and interactive elements, allowing users to explore different water […]

Soil Organic Carbon for Land Planning on Native Lands

About this Dashboard This data dashboard summarizes past and present Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) data for all Native Lands but also future estimates depending on different agricultural scenarios. Data comes from the Soils Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO) for past and most to date available values (2019 and 2021). For future scenarios, we used estimates from […]

USDA Census of Agriculture for American Indian Reservations

About this Dashboard This data dashboard presents data from the 2007, 2012 and 2017 USDA Census of Agriculture for American Indian Reservations, the most current and most complete data on reservation agriculture within the coterminous United States. Number of Variables 0 Native Land Areas 0 Years of Coverage 0 Data Visualizations 0 Possible Visualizations 0 m About […]

Interest Paid on Debt by Race for Agriculture Producers on Native Lands

About this Dashboard This data dashboard, developed by the Native Lands Advocacy Project summarizes Interests on Farm Debt paid by Agricultural Producers on Native Land by Race and plots it on agricultural revenue to determine exactly how much lending impacts revenue. Data comes from 2017 USDA Census of Agriculture for American Indian Reservations for 75 unique […]

Agriculture Revenue from Contemporary US Native Lands

About this Dashboard This data dashboard, developed by the Native Lands Advocacy Project, estimates the agriculture revenue, adjusted for inflation, for all contemporary Native lands within the coterminous United States. Total agricultural revenue can be shown in aggregate for all native lands or filtered for one or more reservation lands. This dashboard also extrapolates the […]

FSTI – Good Food Access Indicator for US Native Lands

Table of Contents   About this Indicator The Good Food Access Indicator is a composite score that provides an assessment of both access This indicator is one of 20 measures built for the Food-System Transition; a first of a kind tool that provides key insights on the social, ecological and cultural dimensions of US native […]