Sustainable Food Systems for US Native Lands: A Story Untold

The myth of an “empty land” where Natives lived idly without making good use of their natural resources is persistent and served as the primary base to justify taking lands away from tribes. Contrary to stereotypes, Native Agriculture was diverse and flourishing prior to settler colonialism.

FSTI 2020-TOP 10 Native Lands

FSTI Top 10 Native Lands This dashboard showcases the top 10 ranking Native Lands of the Food-System Transition Index 2020. This snapshot gives us insights into the social-demographic, economic and geographic characteristics of each top 10 territory to try to identify patterns that might explain their high ranking. About the Top 10 Dashboard We created […]

FSTI – Good Food Access Indicator for US Native Lands

Table of Contents   About this Indicator The Good Food Access Indicator is a composite score that provides an assessment of both access This indicator is one of 20 measures built for the Food-System Transition; a first of a kind tool that provides key insights on the social, ecological and cultural dimensions of US native […]

Food System Transition Index for US Native Land

Food-System Transition Index The Food-System Transition Index for US Native Land is a first of a kind tool specifically designed for Native Land which compiles 20 key indicators to measure the transition to healthy food-systems. Here, you will find a baseline measure connecting different aspects of food-systems such as agricultural land use, land sovereignty, healthy […]


Land Cover on Native Lands

Learn how to access land cover data for your reservation using NLAP’s NLCD map and dashboard. Observe historical trends in land cover and use current data for land, climate, and agricultural planning.

April 16, 12-12:45 pm EST