The Native Lands Advocacy Project is pleased to welcome Cetan Christensen to our team as data Researcher! Cetan will be working with our team to develop maps and data tools to assist Tribes across the country with the development implementation of Agriculture Resources Management Plans and Integrated Resources Management plans.
Cetan is a researcher who loves all things connected to water. As an enrolled member of the Oglala Lakota, and with affiliations with Ponca from Oklahoma, she is excited to participate in research and analysis rooted in the values of Indigenous communities of Turtle Island. She has a M.S. in Agricultural Biology from Colorado State University, where she studied riparian forest ecology, and a B.S. in Environmental Science, concentrating on water management and hydrologic science, fom Metropolitan State University of Denver. Previous work experience has related to teaching STEAM, the application of scientific methods to answer ecological questions, mentoring, project management, water quality, and environmental policy.