SSURGO Soil Classification Viewer for US Native Lands
This map shows the canopy cover percentages and land cover types on Reservations and USFS lands.
Precipitation Projections and Winter Trends on US Native Lands
About this Dashboard This data dashboard summarizes data from future precipitation predictions and historical changes in the snow-to-precipitation ratio on Tribal lands in the contiguous United States. The precipitation predictions are based on datasets from the CRU TS (v. 4.06) and UKCP18 global RCP2.6 scenarios, while the snow-to-precipitation ratio data comes from 177 weather stations […]
Soil Salinity in U.S. Native Lands
This map displays soil salinity data layers derived from the Harmonized World Soil Database (HWSD) Global Soil Quality – Constraints due to Excess Salts (HWSD Excess Salts). This Soil Salinity data on US Native Lands is presented here as a potential resource for Tribes to use in natural resource and climate adaptation assessment and planning.
Change in Rain & Snow Patterns on U.S. Native Lands
This map displays data layers based on the EPA’s Climate Change Indicators in the United States report, specifically focusing on Change in Rain & Snow Patterns on U.S. Native lands. On this map, view layers related to change in snowfall, precipitation, snow-to-precipitation ratio, and April snowpack in western US.
Temperature Change Patterns on U.S. Native Lands
This map displays data layers based on the EPA’s Climate Change Indicators in the United States report, specifically focusing on Temperature Change Patterns on U.S. Native lands. On this map, view layers related to annual average air temperatures, unusually hot temperatures, and unusually low temperatures.
Extent of Fires on US Native Lands
About this Dashboard This data dashboard summarizes data from the Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS) Dataset, which the USGS EROS and the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service jointly implemented. It highlights the distribution and impact of wildfires on Native lands between 1984 and 2022. The dashboard features detailed maps and interactive elements, allowing users […]
RAP – Rangeland Production Explorer
The RAP Production explorer enables you to compare current forage cover (updated every 16 days) for a specifc area (either drawn or using an uploaded boundary file) against 36 years of production.