Re-introducing the Lakota Lands Information System

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About the Pine Ridge Land Information System (PRLIS)

The Pine Ridge Land Information System (PRLIS) is a web-based land information system designed to assist members of the Oglala Sioux Tribe to access information about their lands and resources. The PRLIS was developed Village Earth (a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit in partnership with the Oglala Sioux Tribe Land Office and made possible with support from the Indian Land Tenure Foundation.

The PRLIS makes it possible for members of the Oglala Sioux tribe to:

  • Search for individually allotted and Tribal owned trust lands using the Tract ID.
  • Locate original allotments by searching by allottee name
  • Easily link the original allottee and fee patents in the BLM General Land Office Database
  • View, print and share a web link for the boundaries of specific land tracts.
  • and much much more!
Below you can find instruction on how to use the PRLIS. 

Change Basemap and Activate Parcel Layer.

Choose from 13 different basemaps including high resolution satellite imagery, streets, and topographic. The PRLIS also contains a parcel layer for the Pine Ridge Reservation. Note: the parcel layer is from 2011 and does not reflect numerous changes that occurred as a result of Interior’s Land Buyback Program. While the program enabled individuals to sell their allotted lands to the Tribe changing the ownership classification from “allotted” to “tribal” the actual parcel boundaries should not have been effected. 

Activating Original Allotment Map

This video demonstrates how to activate the original allotment map for the Pine Ridge Reservation, search for allotees, and adjust transparency of the map to view layers beneath. 

Locating Original Patent Data for Allotments on Pine Ridge Reservation

This video demonstrates how to use the Pine Ridge Land Information to connect to the original patent data for each allotment on the Pine Ridge Reservation. 

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