Introducing the Good Food Access Indicator for Native Lands

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The Native Lands Advocacy Project (NLAP) is happy to share our new Good Food Access Indicator data dashboard! This tool proposes a new measure for food access on U.S. Native Lands. 

What is the Good Food Access Indicator?

The Good Food Access Indicator (GFAI) is a composite score that assesses both access and quality of local food on U.S. Native lands. This indicator is the first to provide nationwide comparative data on food access AND local food production. Contrary to existing nationwide measures that tend to focus on the lack of access to food, this indicator (1) provides a positive measure that highlights improvements in food access and (2) includes an innovative estimate of the quality of locally produced fresh food.

View the GFAI dashboard page for more information about where the data comes from & how we’ve chosen to present it. Below, we provide a general guide to using it. 

How does it work?

  • Click the button below to access the interactive GFAI dashboard
  • Use the tabs at the top of the dashboard to navigate the different data views
  • Sort the data as needed by using the available filters, including a filter for specific tribal lands
  • The “Score Details” tab has multiple columns of data. These columns can each be sorted, ascending or descending, to reorder the data
  • Download particular views as images, PDFs, or Tableau workbooks using the “download” button at the bottom right of the dashboard 
  • Download the entire dataset using our data portal link at the bottom of the dashboard page 

Written by Dr. Aude K. Chesnais

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