This maps displays US Native lands as Represented by the US Census Bureau, US Bureau of Indian Affairs, and 1978 India Claims Commission.
The first tab displays the 2019 Census Tiger Boundary Files for American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Hawaiian Homelands
The second tab displays the 2019 Native Land Area Representations from the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs, the 2019 Tiger Boundary files form the United States Census Bureau as well as the Indian Areas Judicially Established through the 1978 Indian Claims Commission.
The third tab displays Land Areas Judicially Established by the 1978 India Claims Commission
The Climate Data Portal for US Native Lands is a living resource designed to support sovereign tribal decision-making & climate planning. Join us for a 30 minute webinar that introduces the portal and hosts an open space for Q&As.
December 16, 1-1:30pm EST