About the Forest Lands Dataset

This map displays the land cover type and tree canopy cover percentages on US Native Lands. Tree canopy cover percentages come from the National Land Cover Database as presented by Esri. This data is collected every five years by the USFS Geospatial Technology and Applications Center. The canopy cover percentages in this map are from the 2011 tree canopy cover data and will be updated when available. The landcover GAP data comes from the USGS GAP Analysis Program, which provides information on the distribution of vegetation in natural, developed, and agricultural areas. The vegetation areas were classified to reflect the ecological system types developed by NatureServe (USGS GAP Analysis Program Website).

The canopy cover percentages and land cover types provided by this map are not averages for an area of land (Reservation, forest service land, etc.) but rather provide data for specific locations across the landscape. For any site of interest, simply click on the area and you will receive the canopy and land cover specific to that location. The data in this map takes into account the variations in land cover across landscapes and enables resource assessment and planning on a more localized scale. 

This land cover type and canopy cover data on US Native Lands is presented here as a potential resource for Tribes to use in Natural Resource and forest condition assessment and planning