Announcing our Webinar Series: Keystone Data Tools for Native Land Planning

The Native Lands Advocacy Project (NLAP) is hosting a webinar series on three of our key data tools. Join these 45-minute webinars to learn about our Agriculture on Native Lands dashboard, Land Cover dashboard and map, and Cropland Data Layer dashboard! These free, public data tools are not only powerful for tribal planning on their […]

Introducing the Climate Data Portal for U.S. Native Lands

The Native Lands Advocacy Project (NLAP) is thrilled to announce the launch of our Climate Data Portal for U.S. Native Lands! Developed with funding from the Native American Agriculture Fund, this portal is the result of our dedicated GIS team’s efforts to create & consolidate relevant climate-related data tools into one living resource. NLAP acknowledges […]

Water Quality Viewer – Pesticides

Explore pesticide concentrations in groundwater and surface waters, as well as estimated agricultural pesticide use, across US Native Lands with this interactive dashboard. Users can select specific Native Lands, filter data by pesticide, year range, and water type, and visualize trends in pesticide concentrations and use. The dashboard includes both monitoring-level data from water-quality stations and county-level pesticide use estimates, providing a comprehensive view of pesticide impacts on these vital ecosystems.

Water Quality Viewer – Temperature

Explore the local temperature measurements across groundwater and surface waters of US Native Lands with this interactive dashboard. Users can select specific Native Lands, filter data by month and year range, and visualize trends to better understand local temperature changes in these vital ecosystems.

Check Out These Data Tools for Native Farmers & Ranchers

Native farmers and ranchers are major contributors to their reservation economies, food systems, and land stewardship. Recognizing this, NLAP has created dedicated pages of Data Tools for Native Farmers and Data Tools for Native Ranchers. Read more about these pages here.

Average Wind Speed on US Native Lands

About this Dashboard This interactive dashboard provides a comprehensive analysis of average wind speed patterns across tribal lands in North America, using data from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis dataset. The dashboard allows users to explore wind speed trends by selecting specific Native land areas and years, or by viewing aggregated data across all regions and years. […]

Water Quality Viewer – pH and Hypoxia

Explore the pH and dissolved oxygen levels across groundwater and surface waters of US Native Lands with this interactive dashboard. Users can select specific Native Lands, filter data by parameter and year range, and visualize trends to better understand hypoxia and water quality in these vital ecosystems.

Climate Data Portal for US Native Lands

Climate Data Portal for US Native Lands A toolkit to support sovereign climate planning on Native Lands This Climate Data Portal is thoughtfully designed to align with the non-linear, holistic approach tribes take when addressing climate adaptation. Drawing inspiration from the teachings of indigenous world views, which emphasize that the five basic needs of life—food, fire, […]

Energy Access Viewer

Explore detailed data on power plant emissions, energy generation, and infrastructure with our interactive dashboard. Specifically designed for US Native Lands, it provides insights into environmental impacts and energy dynamics in these regions.

Culvert Condition Viewer

Explore Tribal Lands in the lower 48 states with this interactive map, showcasing culvert conditions and National Bridge Inventory (NBI) ratings to support environmental analysis and decision-making.

Climate Portal – External Links

Climate Data Portal External Links Other Organizations with Complimentary Climate Adaptation Information After exploring the resources available on our Climate Data Portal, you may want to dive deeper into specific areas of interest. To help guide your next steps, we’ve compiled a list of external organizations and resources that offer additional information and tools. While […]

Climate Portal – Additional Resources

Climate Data Portal Additional Resources PDFs Available for Download After utilizing the resources on our Climate Data Portal, you may want to explore additional information available on this page. We’ve compiled a collection of PDFs and documents that provide further insights and tools to support your climate adaptation planning. These resources complement what you’ve already […]


Agriculture on Native Lands

See how NLAP’s USDA Census of Agriculture Dashboard makes this complex dataset easily accessible & allows for wide exploration and deep analysis of the agricultural census data for your reservation.

March 19, 12-12:45 pm EST