NLAP Welcomes Phoebe Bauer to the Team

The Native Lands Advocacy Project is pleased to announce Phoebe Bauer as our new Data Visualization Intern! Phoebe will be helping us craft compelling visualizations for the data housed on the Native Land Information System by developing online maps, data dashboards, and other graphics for our website, blog, and interactive story maps. Welcome aboard, Phoebe! […]
New Tool for Native Land Caretakers: The Rangeland Analysis Platform (RAP)

According to the NLIS’s National Land Cover Database dashboard, in 2019, there were approximately 26 million acres of rangeland within Native American reservations and off-reservation trust lands. Now, say that you are a Tribal natural resource manager, an established rancher, or land owner—it is no secret that adequately monitoring this vast land base, whether owner-managed […]